April 19-20, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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April 19-20, 2024
Atlanta, GA

Col. David G. Guida

Rock Island Arsenal-Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center


Colonel David Guida is from Crosby, Minnesota. He enlisted in the Infantry in November of 1998 and spent is first four years as an Infantry Soldier. COL Guida attended Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Fort Benning, Georgia, (known as Fort Moore since 2023) and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps in June of 2002.

COL Guida’s first commissioned duty station was in the 3rd Infantry Division and included three Combat Deployments to Iraq. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, COL Guida’s platoon ran the largest Ammunition Supply Point in the theater of Operations. Upon return from Operation Iraqi Freedom III, COL Guida was selected to activate, and deploy Echo Company (FSC), 2-3 General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade. Following this command, COL Guida became the Support Operations Trans Officer and Deputy SPO, 603rd Aviation Support Battalion. Immediately after Operation Iraqi Freedom V, COL Guida was selected to attend the Theater Logistics Studies Program (TLOG-FIT) where he was recognized as the Distinguished Honor Graduate.

Full bio: https://ria-jmtc.army.mil/about/commander


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