Colonel John E. Baquet is the Director of Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection for Headquarters Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Field, Florida. He is responsible for policy, budget and oversight of AFSOC’s Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection units and career fields; more than 6,400 Airmen worldwide. Colonel Baquet provides direction and guidance supporting maintenance and logistics for 230 aircraft in 19 mission design series, installations and their facilities, infrastructure, law enforcement, security, anti-terrorism and force protection programs. He provides direct operational logistics, engineering and security support to special operations forces engaged worldwide in Overseas Contingency Operations.
Colonel Baquet entered the Air Force in 1996 through the ROTC program at Angelo State University. He has served in numerous positions in special operations at the Squadron, Group, Wing and Joint levels in logistics and aircraft maintenance and is joint qualified.
Colonel Baquet’s career has taken him to six continents and multiple operational deployments to include Operations JOINT GUARD, DESERT THUNDER, AND FOX, INDY, NOBLE EAGLE, ENDURING and IRAQI
FREEDOM, plus numerous operational exercises. He has maintenance experience on the AC-130H/U/W/J Gunships, MH-53J, CV-22, UH-01, HH-60, MQ-1/9, MC-130H/P/J and a variety of non-standard aircraft to include the West Coast advance agent for Air Force One. Colonel Baquet is a former military parachutist with jumps from a variety of aircraft. He is the recipient of both German and Jordanian jump wings and attended the U.S Army Pathfinder School. He is married to the former Joy Cherry of Dunham NC, has two children and calls Kerrville, Texas home.