April 19-20, 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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April 19-20, 2023
Atlanta, GA

Peter D. Blake

Chief, Systems Integration Division Chief Data Officer, Logistics Domain
United States Air Force


Peter D. Blake is the Chief, Systems Integration Division, Directorate of Logistics, Air Force Materiel Command and Logistics Chief Data Officer. He is responsible for integrating the modernization and sustainment of logistics information technology systems capabilities that supports expeditionary, net-centric operations and for providing strategic alignment of logistics business systems and logistics processes to equip and enable Warfighter support. Included are the development and execution of the Logistics Information Technology (IT) Strategy, encompassing legacy system operations and modernization, Financial Improvement, and Audit Readiness (FIAR) remediation for legacy systems and new capability transformation.

As Data Officer for the Logistics Domain, his role is to manage the execution of the logistics data management strategy, establish an implementation plan and prioritize how the objectives outlined in the Logistics Data Management Strategy will be realized, ensuring logistics data is visible, accessible, understood, linked, trusted, interoperable, and secure (VAULT-IS).

Mr. Blake began his Air Force career in 1993 after receiving his commission through the Air Force Officer Training School program. He served in a variety of aircraft maintenance, munitions, and logistics positions at the field, MAJCOM, and headquarters levels before retiring from the Air Force in 2014. He began his federal service career in 2016 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.


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