Col. James Hartle is the Associate Director of Logistics, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Arlington, Virginia. He assists the directorate’s efforts for organizing, training and equipping more than 180,000 logisticians who maintain and support mission generation and the aerospace weapons system inventory. He ensures strategic guidance for materiel management, fuels, vehicle operations and management, deployment and distribution, personal property, traffic management and logistics plans. He also promotes the development of policy and oversees force development for logistics readiness, maintenance and munitions, ensuring the readiness of the single largest element of manpower supporting Air Force combat forces globally.
Col. Hartle received his commission in 1996 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps program at Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia. During his military career, Col Hartle has held positions as an aircraft maintenance unit officer-in-charge, maintenance operations officer, aide-de-camp, officer-in-charge of a base honor guard, action officer on the Pentagon’s air staff, squadron commander, deputy maintenance group commander, and maintenance group commander. Prior to his current position, the Colonel was the Wargames and Analysis Division Chief, Joint Staff Directorate of Logistics, Joint Chiefs of Staff, The Pentagon.