April 19-20, 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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April 19-20, 2023
Atlanta, GA

Jeff Martin

Director, Aerospace
Robbins-Gioia, LLC


As Director of Aerospace, Jeff Martin brings aviation logistics knowledge and expertise in defense industrial production spanning over 27 years to RG. Jeff’s earned a reputation for influencing change and deploying innovative solutions across large, complex production and maintenance operations.
He achieved the rank of Colonel and held numerous positions throughout the United States Air Force culminating as the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Vice Commander. Jeff served over 13 years within the Air Force Materiel Command where he honed his manufacturing, repair, and overhaul acumen. He was also the Headquarters Air Force Logistics Panel Chair overseeing logistics planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE). Joint assignments include the Army Command and General Staff College and Joint Forces Command where he integrated joint logistics into joint doctrine. Command tours include the 402d Aircraft Maintenance Group and the 654th Combat Logistics Support Squadron.
Jeff has an M.A.S. in Aviation/Aerospace Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as well as an M.S. in Strategic Studies from Air University. He’s also attended the Depot & Arsenal Executive Leadership Program from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Lean Six Sigma Executive Course from North Carolina State University. Jeff holds a B.S. in Mathematics from Oklahoma State University.


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