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April 19-20, 2023
Atlanta, GA

Maj. Gen. C. McCauley von Hoffman

Director of Logistics, Civil Engineering, Force Protection and Nuclear Integration
Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base


Maj. Gen. C. McCauley von Hoffman is the Director of Logistics, Civil Engineering, Force Protection and Nuclear Integration, Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. She directs policy and procedures for field and depot-level aircraft and commodities maintenance, nuclear weapon systems sustainment, software engineering, conventional munitions, logistics plans, transportation, supply chain operations and management, civil engineering, force protection and logistics information technology activities. Maj. Gen. von Hoffman is the lead command integrator for life-cycle sustainment, product support and acquisition logistics across the Air Force weapon systems portfolio.

Maj. Gen. von Hoffman hails from Columbus, Mississippi, and received her commission through ROTC at Vanderbilt University in 1989. She has since had assignments in both fighter and airlift weapon systems, logistics command and control, studies and analysis, as well as joint operations and logistics.
Prior to assuming her current position, Maj. Gen. von Hoffman served as the Commander, Ogden Air Logistics Complex, Hill Air Force Base, Utah. She has held the position of Director of Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Additionally, she held the position of Mobilization Assistant to the Director of Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. She has commanded a squadron and group. Maj. Gen. von Hoffman also served as both Chief of a Joint Operations Center for a combatant command and Assistant Deputy Director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She has served tours in the Pacific and Europe and deployed in support of several contingency operations including operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Provide Comfort, Northern Watch, Coronet Oak, Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

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