April 19-20, 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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April 19-20, 2023
Atlanta, GA

Vitali Volovoi, Ph.D.

Vice President, Engineering Services
Mitek Analytics


Dr. Volovoi is VP of Engineering Services at Mitek Analytics, a growing company advancing Industrial AI applications for digital transformation with special focus on aircraft maintenance and supply chain. Since in 2014, he led Mitek Analytics consulting, Data Science, and Data Engineering efforts for DoD and commercial clients. The efforts addressed sustainment, supply chain, and maintenance processes for fleets of fighter, ground support, transports, and civilian aircraft, as well as UAVs and missiles.

Vitali is an authority in reliability, logistics, and discrete event simulations. Prior to Mitek Analytics, he was a professor of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He consulted for IBM, NASA, LMI, US Marines, and US Air Force. Vitali received multiple professional awards, including ones from Reliability and Maintenance Symposium (RAMS) and NASA.


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