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United States
Company Description
First Aviation Services Inc. (FAvS), headquartered in Westport, Connecticut, is a leading provider of component repair and overhaul and PMA parts manufacturing to the aviation industry worldwide. FAvS’s principal operating subsidiaries are: Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc. (AeTR) and Evōlution Aerospace, Inc. (EVO) in Wichita, KS, Piedmont Propulsion Systems, LLC (PPS) in Winston-Salem, NC and Aviation Blade Services, Inc. (ABS) in Kissimmee, FL. Together, the companies repair and overhaul Landing Gear systems, Flight Controls, Actuation Systems, Lighting, Power Supplies, Oxygen and Fire Suppression systems, Hydrostatic Testing, Crew Masks, all Dowty, Hamilton, Hartzell and McCauley propellers and Helicopter Rotor Blades.
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