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MRO Americas 2022
April 26-28, 2022
Dallas, TX, USA

How Geopolitical Chaos is Shaping MRO

  • Tuesday, April 26, 2022:10:40 AM - 11:20 AM
  • Session Number: 107


Rising political tensions, a new land war in Europe, and natural disasters are wreaking havoc on the  global aviation supply chain like never before. This panel explores how the aftermarket are uniquely  vulnerable to supply chain disruptions caused by global geopolitical factors. As Russia - one of the  world’s largest providers of metals and oil – is increasingly economically isolated, the cost for raw  materials, energy supply, and skilled-labor will continue to rise. What tiers of the supply chain are most l ikely to feel these effects?  How are businesses navigating their dependence on Russian goods and  severed customer-supplier relations? What steps must be taken when your suppliers are surrounded by  chaos and aircraft are not able to be supported? 

    Session Leader
    Lee Ann Shay
    Executive Editor, Business Aviation and MRO
    Aviation Week Network
    Special Guest
    Oksana Bardygula
    Vice President
    Oliver Wyman CAVOK
    Ron Epstein
    Managing Director, Aerospace & Defense
    BofA Global Research
    Dr. Kevin Michaels
    Managing Director
    AeroDynamic Advisory
    Caroline Vandedrinck
    SVP, Materials & Services
    Willis Lease Finance Corporation
    Alex Vlielander
    Chief Services Officer
    Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS